Tuesday, June 25, 2013


I got the MRI report and films of my toe. Unfortunately the radiologist did not give a diagnoses. Still so confused on what this is. Any thoughts?

MR examination of the right foot without and with contrast,

Technique: Axial proton density and T2, sagittal STIR, coronal T1,
sagittal T1, sagittal fat-suppressed post gadolinium T1, coronal
fat-suppressed post gadolinium T1, axial fat-suppressed post
gadolinium T1-weighted images were obtained.

Findings: There are postsurgical changes of a bunionectomy with some
magnetic susceptibility artifact obscuring the marrow in the first
proximal phalanx. There is prominent subungual soft tissue on the
dorsal surface of the first distal phalanx with homogeneous
enhancement measuring approximately 3 mm in thickness and 8 mm in
length and 9 mm in width. This is slightly hyperintense on the STIR
images and low to intermediate signal intensity on the pregadolinium
T1-weighted images. No tendon or ligamentous disruptions are
identified. No other significant marrow signal abnormalities are
noted. No other abnormal masses or fluid collections are noted.

1. 8 x 9 x 3 mm great toe subungual soft tissue mass along the dorsal
surface of the first distal phalanx with homogeneous enhancement. This
appearance is nonspecific. Clinical correlation would be helpful.
2. No underlying bone marrow signal abnormalities are seen in this
3. There are postsurgical changes of a bunionectomy with some magnetic
susceptibility artifact in the first proximal phalanx.

UPDATE:  Biopsy confirms it is a blue nevus!!!

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