Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Blue Nevus

I had a biopsy done on 8/9/13. Pathology report confirms it is a benign blue nevus!

Dermatopathology Report

Clinical Data: A-C: Mass Right Hallux, approximately 5-6 MM symmetrical, oval, elliptical blackened area without fungating surface, or ulceration.

     A: Nail, right toe
     B: BX Tibial border, leading edge, right hallux
     C: BX Fibular border, right hallux

     A: Toenail, right hallux removal
          Fragments of benign nail plate and nail bed/matrix epithelium with onychomycosis, verrucous hyperplasia of nail bed epithelium, and intracorneal hemorrhage.

     B: Skin, right hallux nail bed lesion, tibial border,leading edge, biopsy: compatible with blue nevus.

     C: Skin, right hallux nail bed lesion, fibular border, leading edge biopsy: compatible with blue nevus.

Note: A. There is no melanocytic nevus, atypical melanocytic proliferation or evidence of malignancy.   Clinical correlation is recommended. Abundant septate fungal hyphae are evident within the nail plate in the H&E stained sections.

B&C. There are no atypical features or evidence of malignancy; nonetheless, clinical correlation is recommended to excluded the possibility of sampling error. The context of the clinical impression of a 5 to 6 mm elliptical lesion of the nail bed without ulceration or conspicuous extension into the nail folds, the histologic changes in these sections are entirely consistent with a benign blue nevus, which can occasionally occur in the nail unit, including in a subungual location (Causeret AS et al. Subungual blue nevus. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2003 Aug;49:310-2).

Gross Description:

A. Received in formalin a 1.5 x 1.5 x 0.2 cm aggregate of tan to dark red-brown rough firm thickened portions of unguis.

B. Received in formalin a single 0.5 x 0.3 with a greatest depth of 0.2 cm irregular tan to dark gray-brown rough mottled pigmented lesion.

C. Received in formalin a single 0.2 x 0.2 cm circular dark gray-brown rough mottled wrinkled pigmented lesion, with a depth of 0.25 cm.